
June 17th

Despite the fact that today was clearly going to be an absolute rip-roaring scorcher of a wonderfully glorious day, I decided that now would be the best time to wade in with our somewhat late Spring-cleaning session. This involved cleaning absolutely everything in the flat that didn’t move. I dismantled the fridge down to it’s component parts and cleaned each individual atom that they comprised, I de-scaled the kettle, buffed up the silverware, took the top layer of paint off the floor through over- vigorous scrubbing and even gave Beth a good polishing. It took for-bloody-ever and we missed the best day for ages. How dumb was that? (Don’t answer that.) To cheer us up during this crazed need to be clean we took five minutes out to watch a pony-tailed drunk staggering about in the street outside. He was cursing wildly and causing a ruckus with a big black fella with no apparent reason of motive. Things got a little bit tense when the drunk took a swipe at the black fella’s car with his digital camera. Now I never thought I’d see a Canon Ixus used in such a way I can tell you. The drunk then reverted to standard pissed behaviour and yelled unintelligibly at passing folk and then nodded off on his doorstep. Regretfully he went in after a few minutes so we were deprived of this particular piece of street theatre and had to go back to buffing the hell out of the kitchen cupboards.
That aftrenoon we popped down to the beach for a quick barbecue with Bryn, Amelia and some of their friends. One couple had a highly adorable 8 week old baby with them so naturally the women all turned into clucky, hormonal, broody baby-seeking missiles. (Now Beth will tell you that I did too but that’s just a huge fat fib. I never did. At all. Not once… Well okay, maybe for a bit.) After we’d over-cooked our sossies and I’d managed to get myslef suitably smokey we headed off to meet Adam, Alex, Zoe & Adam at the Crescent pub.

Tea drunk: Can’t recall. A few probably.
Scrubbies vaporised through vicious cleaning: 2
Sossies eaten: 2 (Nice ones too)

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