
June 7th

Wednesday 7th June

Last night I suffered from a case of insomnia. Those that know me will tell you that I’m not a great sleeper but since we’ve been back from our trip, my sleeping has definitely improved. I’m not slipping into a mini coma every night or nodding off whilst standing up or anything like that, I’m just getting more sleep than usual. So I was pretty surprised to find myself wandering around the flat at 3 in the morning, wide-awake and drinking tea.
I kind of like being awake at this hour though, it’s somehow more personal. Everyone else is asleep and I’m awake. It’s as if everything outside my window exists only for me. The street is just so peaceful whereas ordinarily it’s pretty busy during the day. Drivers tend to use it to get off Western Road, there’s always some kids larking about and the seagulls provide a constant background squark, but at three in the morning it’s a whole different place.
Anyhow, I read a fair bit of ‘Watchmen’ and watched an episode of ‘Red Dwarf’ on dvd and then sat on the balcony (with yet another cuppa) watching the sky around my gradually lighten as if it had to be done slowly and without anyone noticing.
Once Beth had got herself up I popped myself back into bed and immediately dropped off. I awoke though after a few minutes as I had a very odd mini-dream as soon as I dropped off. There was a huge snail crawling across some clothes I’d discarded on the floor and when I tried to grab it the damn thing sped up in a very un-snail like way. All I could think about though was what would happen when it reached my linen shirt, and sure enough it got stuck. In the dream I knew that snails couldn’t move on cloth (something to do with the slime sticking too much and drying out) and I wanted to remove it before it got trapped. As soon as it hit the shirt it stalled and then proceeded to make some very ‘cartoony’ arching movements in an effort to free itself. I kept trying to grab it but it just wouldn’t stay still, it even started to break it’s own shell it was so desperate. I woke with a start and had to get up, the dream had left me feeling anxious.
One positive note for today, a jewellery designer from Brighton contacted me a while back asking me to quote on a site, I had to turn her down though as she wanted something built that I couldn’t do. I offered to design it for her though and then she could get the programming done elsewhere. I was surprised this morning to find that she’s accepted my proposal and had sent me an e-mail asking me to look over the images and design ideas she was sending me in the post. Looks like I may have some decent paying work after all.
Unsurprisingly I didn’t get much done today, it was very hard to concentrate on anything when my whole body was crying out for sleep. I tried to start my accounts but was unsuccessful so I popped on a dvd, lay on the sofa and drifted off until around 5.
Once up I shook myself together and went to the station to meet Beth.

Tea drunk: Lots
Snail dreams had: 1
Hours sleep: Not enough

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