
June 27th

I’ve had an idea for next month’s ‘Today’ blog. I won’t spoil the surprise (the surprise for the only two people who read this blog that is) but it’s along the lines of a photography experiment I’ve been thinking about performing.
This morning something terrible happened, something that shook me to my very core and has broken my trust in all that is good and pure in this World. Waitrose let me down. They did, they let me down. Despite claiming that gooseberries would be in stock yesterday they won’t be in for another couple of weeks. I went to Waitrose all excited and full of the thoughts of the gorgeous little bitter pods of niceness only to find the shelves devoid of the hairy green marvels. At first I refused to believe it, “They must be here, they must. I’ve just not seen them.” I thought to myself. But, as my searching became ever more frantic I began to realise the awful truth. I even stopped a shelf-filler to ask where they may have been hidden hoping that the whole thing had just been some terrible mistake and they had, in fact, been stacked somewhere completely inappropriate and that the stacker and I would laugh and joke about the silliness of the employee who’d put them there and then we’d go about our business happy and contented. He because he’d helped a customer and I because I could now make ‘gooseberry fool’ for Wifey.
The employee, seeing the angst and confusion written all over my face, called someone on those magic little phones they have on pillars that ring unanswered whilst you’re browsing the organic veg only to be told that they wouldn’t be in for another week or two. Disappointment welled in my heart but I fought back the tears and the urge to throw myself down beating the floor and launch a tirade at God for abandoning me so. Instead I bought some grapes.
At home my mood was lifted as I’d got some good news about the designs I’d sent to Lola at Ride Media. The company in question (The Natural Health Centre) liked them and Lola wanted me to take them further. It’s lovely when you’re work is appreciated and never more so when it involve making a new contact. I hope I can help Lola out more often.
This afternoon I settled down on the balcony with a cake & a cup of tea to read the prospectus of the journalism course I think I’m going to enrol on. A few people who have read one of my blogs have commented that I’m pretty good at this writing malarkey and that I should take a crack at writing professionally. It’s really the only thing I feel truly happy doing. I love design and designing, similarly cooking and reading (not together mind, that’d end up with loads of burnt books everywhere) but I’m already doing the design thing and I doubt I can just ‘become’ a World class chef in the same way that Brad Pitt seems to have ‘become’ an architect. Design is probably always going to feature heavily in my life and I’ll make a living out of it one way or another, be it in a company or freelance. It’s kind of a ‘driving passion’ of mine that I’m lucky enough to be able to earn money from. I love all design from graphics to architecture but writing is where I feel most confident.

Tea drunk: 8 (Too many, probably won’t sleep tonight)
Tantrums thrown in a supermarket: 0 (Though it was a near thing)
Episodes of ‘The Office’ watched: 2 (Bloody funny it is too)


anna said...

I hate to say this Ben but I'm looking at two pallets of local gooseberries right now as I type...ooo and I'm just biting into a huge one now....OOOOOOOO.

Benji said...

You bugger. I wish I lived in the chuffin' country.