
June 24th

This morning Beth & I had a nice bacon sarnie with some of my wonderful home made bread whilst we made our shopping list for the week. Ann (Beth’s Mum) was coming down for the day, she’d booked herself on to some kind of cheap coach affair that apparently picks her up from the end of her street, but I had some work I had to be getting on with. Lola, from Ride Media who Christine had put me in touch with, needed a hand knocking up a couple of designs for a natural health centre’s website and I’d said I’d help. Whilst Beth did our shop and picked Ann up I ploughed on with the work with my headphones in listening to Jonathon Ross on BBC2. The ideas came thick and fast and I churned out a couple of designs that I was really pleased with. Sometimes this happens I go through a dour time when the creative stream gets blocked behind a damn and others it just flows on unhindered. Today was an unhindered day.
During all this I was laughing away to myself in that highly annoying way that people wearing headphones and listening to something funny do. Michael Gambon was on and he was hilarious. I’m a big Gambon fan and I think he’s a superb actor to boot. I’ve seen him on various TV shows of late (Top Gear, Have I Got News For You) and he’s a very funny man with a tonne of great stories.
During all this mirth fired work Beth made some lovely Thai chicken dumpling soup. After this Beth & Ann headed out to get some more pictures for her work but unfortunately, due to Beth’s inability to be surreptitious, Beth got thrown out of Tesco. I’m so proud of her, I’m now going out with a local felon.
Walked down seafront to the Palace pier to get some doughnuts and walk Ann back to her coach. The pier is pretty cool in a boring sort of way but they do sell good doughnuts for too much money from stalls manned by Eastern Europeans who I can’t really understand.
Becky came down to stay and we used the last of my home made pizza bases, the one that looked a bit pony, to make dinner. After this we headed down to the Robin Hood pub where we chatted and drank too much.

Tea drunk: 3
Sites designed: 2
Doughnuts eaten: 2 (Beth nicked one even though she said she didn’t want one when I asked if she wanted some)

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