
June 25th

This morning Beth was very ill, she claims she didn’t drink ‘that much’ but she was definitely pretty peaky so I popped out to get her Andrew’s liver salts which, bizarrely, made her vomit and meant that she couldn’t eat her lovely breakfast.
After Becky had gone home Beth disappeared beneath the duvet on the sofa and we watched Poirot on ITV3. I love all these extra channels. ITV3 shows ‘Poirot’, ‘Robin of Sherwood’ and the excellent ‘Sherlock Holmes’ series all of which are perfect hangover TV. There’s an ITV4 too, which has repeats of cult shows like ‘The Persuaders’, ‘Space 1999’ and ‘Monkey’. Beth fancied her breakfast during Poirot so I bunged it all in a pan and heated it up for her with a new egg on top. It was like one of those ‘All day breakfast’ things (the ones you get in a tin) but posher. It looked quite nice.
The footie was on today (En-Ger-Lund vs. Ecuador) and based on our recent form I wasn’t really that bothered about watching it, but we’d had an invite from Sophie & Simon to go watch it at theirs so that’s what we were planning on doing.
We had to change our plans though as Beth had forgotten that she wanted to try and get a few more pictures. They were very specific this time and she need an image of a Mini driving down a typical English road. It sounds easy but it’s actually a bit of an awkward picture to take. We drove off looking for suitable streets and stumbled upon a junction on a suitable road. No sooner had we positioned ourselves on this junction than a bloody Mini should show up. Beth racked off a load of piccies and we headed off to Sophie & Simon’s job done. The game was an absolute scorcher and we spent much of it literally on the edge of our seats except for Simon who kept getting up and down whilst making a variety of odd noises. Kind of like that bloke from the ‘Police Academy’ films but without making any discernable noise that sounded like anything in particular. After the footy we had ourselves a lovely roast chicken and watched a pretty exciting episode of LOST whilst cuddling up on the sofa.

Tea drunk: 5
Football matches aged during: 1
Turkish Delight’s eaten: 1 (Though I wanted many more)

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